Angelina Ruzzafante
"... Das größte Lob geht an Angelina Ruzzafante als Violetta. Sie bestreitet den ganzen Abend mit großem schauspielerischen Talent und ausgezeichneten Gesang. Die Anstrengung und Dauer der sehr anspruchsvollen Partie merkte man ihr nicht an. Mit ihrer ausdrucksvollen Mimik und Gestik vermittelt sie ihr Leid und lässt das Publikum mitfühlen ...".
Theater Hagen 23 june 2001 , Anne-Kathrin Koch
"... Angelina Ruzzafante weiß der Violetta, einer der differenziertesten Frauengestalten Verdis, viele anrührende Nuancen abzugewinnen, seien es nun die großen Liebesausbrüche oder die innigen Gefühlstiefen einer verzweifelnden Frau ... "
Premiere La Traviata Theater Hagen 23 june 2001, Konrad Pohlmann
"... En su debut local, la soprano holandesa Angelina Ruzzafante cumplió con las exigencias dramáticas de Suor Angelica. Su actuación fue sugestiva y su canto claro, rico en matices ... "
Mexico, 18 july 2002, Il Trittico, Puccini, Ramon Jacques

Angelina Ruzzafante studied singing at the Maastrichts Conservatorium with Mya Besselink, where she obtained Cum Laude in 1992 her diploma as a performing musician in opera. She won, also in 1992, the first price at the Internationaal Vocalisten Concours in 's-Hertogenbosch and the first price at the Operaconcours Christina Deutekom in Enschede. At the same time, she recieved the Bremer Encouragement Price.
That first price of the IVC 's-Hertogenbosch is quite an achievement and before her only won by the following Dutch singers: in 1954, Annette de la Bije, Aukje Karsemeyer, Hans Wilbrink, in 1956, Elly Ameling, in 1957, Maria van Dongen and in 1971, Robert Holl. After her came: in 1998, Margriet van Reissen and in 2002, Lenneke Ruiten

In La Traviata with doctor Grenvil (Arnd Gothe) - photo Olaf Struck
Angelina Ruzzafante has appeared in many opera productions, such as at Opera Zuid (Il Barbiere di Siviglia, C. Rossini, and Ariadne auf Naxos, R. Strauss), the Nederlandse Reisopera (Faust, C. Gounod), the Nederlandse Opera (Parsifal, R. Wagner), Opera de Nancy et de Caen (Le Chateau des Carphates, P. Hersant), Summerborn Opera (L'Occasione fa il ladro, G. Rossini), Junge Oper Ruetlingen (La Traviata, C. Verdi). At Theater Hagen (Germany) she participated in over 10 opera productions. At the same time she appeared in Mexico, USA, Shanghai and Vienna. Angelina Ruzzafante doesn't sing alone scenic operas, but also in concerts and contemporary music. She made a CD release of opera arias with the Limburgs Symphonie Orkest and made recordings of Das Himmelskleid by Wolf Ferrari and Silvana by Carl Maria Von Weber.
Verdi, Il trovatore, duet with choir: Miserere
tenor Hubert Delamboye, male-choir St. Caecilia Sweykhuizen, live recording 2000
sources, a.o.: Theater Hagen, IVC 's-Hertogenbosch, Tilburgs Operakoor/Opera Choir Concordia.