Jos Orelio
" ... Herr J. M. Orelio, of the Amsterdam Royal Opera, made a succesful first appearance on Monday night. His voice is exceptional rich and full, and he posesses excellent declamatory powers. His rendering of 'Wotan's Abschied' provokes the wish that we might hear him in " Die Walküre" during the next summer ... "
The Sunday Sun, September 13, 1903
" ... Als ein Sänger mit prächtigen Mittlen, einem pastosen, seelisch belebten Ton führte sich der Bassist des Abends, Herr Josef Orelio von der Königlichen Oper in Amsterdam, bei uns ein. Unsere Oratorienvereine werden gut tun, diesen ausgezeichneten Künstler im Auge zu behalten und sich für grössere Aufgabe zu sichern ... "
General-Anzeiger Frankfurt 6 Nov. 1895

Jos Orelio (1854-1926)
Joseph (Josef, Jos) Orelio, born in 1854, was first baritone at the "Dutch Opera" of Johannes de Groot and later(1894) under his competitor Cornelis van der Linden. His opera debut was as Valentijn in Gounod's 'Faust', sung in Dutch. There were 48 performances of this opera in that season. During this 48 performances he alternate with Henri Albers in the role of Mephistofeles. He has made a long career and performed in roles as Jago (Othello,Verdi), Wilhelm Tell (Rossini), Hamlet and sang various Wagner parts. One of his favorite roles was Hans Sachs in Wagner's 'Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg'. He has cooperated at lots of premieres, a. o. "Caterina en Lambert" (1888) and "Leiden Ontzet" (1893) of Cornelis van der Linden; "Uit de Branding" (1894, Richard Hol) and "Odja" (1901, Karl Dibbern). Appearances in Belgium, France, Germany, London and in Russia. He was also an excellent oratorio singer and was many times to hear in Dutch lieder.
Jos Orelio died in The Hague in 1926. He made several recordings for the labels Zonophone, Odeon, Anker, Pathé and Favorite. Unfortunately his voice was those days not in it's prime anymore.
Jos Orelio, 'Broeder Jan', ca.1908