Louis Morrisson Discography
It is certainly true that it is not easy to give an immediate answer to the simple question "Please, which is the best recording of Mister so-and-so?" And when the question is put about Louis Morrisson, who made some two hundred recordings, it is far from easy.
In an endeavour to deal with it, I would like to suggest that readers try to hear some of his records, the more the better. Of course they will say "the best recordings of M. Morrisson will be among his 'La Juive' titles". Yes, certainly, listen to "O ma fille cherie" sung by him and make for yourself a comparison with recordings by other singers; this little piece of music becomes great as sung by Morrisson. Or listen to "Dieu, que ma voix tremblante" or to "Rachel quand du Seigneur" and you will be swept by a wave of sympathy . . . and respect . . . and will understand why a great part of Europe wished to know only "one Eleazar" both on records and on the stage. But the interpretation of "La Juive" was just a small part of the qualities of this tenor.
Listen to the challenge-duet opening the last act of Lucia di Lammermoor by Morrisson and the baritone Emile Van Bosch: "O più rapido". This duet is difficult to sing, so ungrateful; often unfortunately the scene is omitted in performances. One cannot find more than three or four interpretations for comparison, but on hearing it you will say "This is famous, what a great tenor of Grand Opera". Let us listen together to the "Invocation a la nature" from Werther, or perhaps better still the "Tête adorée" of Leoncavallo's Bohème and you will hear all the romance, the sentimentality of a real lyric tenor. There is a recording of "Pater Noster" by Hinderdael, or the "Guarda che bianca luna" by Campagna which will certainly touch you by their purity and unexaggerated musicality.
But do not think that Morrisson limited himself to not very well-known or easily sung melodies. There are all the standards from Guglielmo Tell, Tosca, II Trovatore, Les Huguenots, Aida, La Fanciulla del West, Martha, Rigoletto, Pagliacci and Cavalleria Rusticana in two languages. Here again please compare with the great names you know and trust your own cars and heart. You will not find a pathetic theatrical figure, but a real human being of sustained musicalily, for instance as Canio from the first arioso to the final "No Pagliaccio non son".
As examples of breath control the "Brindisi" from Cavalleria will testify, as will also the aria from the fourth Act of La Favorita. amongst others. If you like "high C's" Morrisson has sung the whole repertory of the heroic tenor and they abound. A rarer quality of a great tenor are low tones, held without difficulty; listen to La Juive "Dieu que ma voix tremblante", the air of John in Herodiade, the Celeste Aida, or better the duet of the fourth Act between Amneris and Radames. At the same time we can note the care taken to clearly enunciate every word in the three languages he has sung. One can only wonder why amongst all the historical long play records now on the market there are none by this tenor, who so clearly shows his devotion both to the work and the composer's wishes, even his Arnold, Raoul or Manrico are human beings and not high-note machines. I think that by his musical gifts he will make an impression on you that few others manage to do.
In the following discography, as so many titles are in Dutch, with which the majority of readers will not be familiar, where necessary translations of both the title of the work as well as of the excerpt are given. The first line gives either the title of the work or author in capitals, followed by the text sung, translation in brackets, partner(s) if any also in brackets. The line following the titling gives first the matrix number, followed by the issue numbers), except for Homo-cord which only have the one number for both purposes.
1. MIGNON: Neen zij geloofde (Elle ne croyait) 76w. 2-95008
2. HELMER. Le rêve passe! (in French) 100w. 2-5001
3. SOMOYE. La marche à Venus (in French) 101w. 2-5002
4. FAUST: De nacht verdwijnt (En vain j'interroge) 105w, 2-95015
5. XXX De Pelgrims (Les Pelerins) (w. Kapper) 111w. 2-9001
6. DE TROUBADOUR (IL TROVATORE): O laat geen bange vrees (O, si ben mio) 112w. 2-95019
7. FAUST: Gegroet, verblijf door haar verkoren (Salut demeure) 114w. 2-95016
8. LA FAVORITE: Een vrouw knielde neer (Una vergine) 115w. 2-95020
9. FAURE. Le Crucifix (in Dutch) (w. Kapper) 304p. 2-99008
10. GOUBLIER. Angelus der zee (Angelus de la mer) (w. Kapper) 305p. 2-99009
11. MARTHA: Ach zo lief (Ach so fromm) 306p. 2-95007
12. DE MACHT VAN HET NOODLOT (FORZA DEL DESTINO): In deze heilige stonde (Solenne in quest'ora) (w. Kapper) 307p. 2-99010
13. LA BOHEME: O Mimi ondanks (O Mimi tu piu) (w. Kapper) 308p. 2-99011
14. WILLEM TELL (GUGLIELMO TELL): O Mathilde (w. Kapper) (in Dutch) 309p. 2-99012
15. STOMME VAN PORTICI (MUETTE DE PORTICI): Veel liever sterven (Plutôt mourir) (w. Kapper) 31 Op. 2-99013
16. CAVALLERIA: Moeder de wijn (Mamma quel vino) 311p. 2-95028
17. LA BOHEME: Uw handen zijn bevroren. (Che gelida manina) 312p. 2-95018
18. DE HUGENOTEN: (LES HUGUENOTS) Rein als sneeuw (Plus blanche) 313p. 2-95009
19. PALJAS (PAGLIACCI): Thans te spelen. (Vesti la giubba) 314p. 2-95014
20. DE JODIN (LA JUIVE): God dat mijn loflied (Dieu que ma voix) 315p. 2-95010
21. LA FAVORITE: Gij mijn zoon. (Non sai tu) (w. Nieuwen-huizen) 338p. 2-99014
22. DE JODIN (LA JUIVE): Maar neen! (J'implore) (w. Nieuwen-huizen) 339p. 2-99015
23. FAUST: Gegroet ò laatste morgenstond (Salut ò mon dernier) (w. Nieuwenhuizcn) 340p. 2-99016
24. FAUST: Hier ben ik! (Me voici d'ou vient) (w. Nieuwen-huizen) 341 p. 2-99017
25. LA GIOCONDA: Hemel en zee (Cielo è mar) 342p. 2-95035
26. DE JODIN (LA JUIVE); Rachel als God (Rachel quand du Seign.) 343p, 2-95036
27. CARMEN: Ik ben Escamillo. (Je suis Escamillo) (w. Kapper) 344p. 2-99018
28. V. SCOTTO. Liefdezang (Chant d'amour) (w. Kapper) 345p. 2-99019
29. CARMEN : De bloem die gij (La fleur que tu) 351p. 2-95037
30. DE MACHT VAN HET NOODLOT; (LA FORZA DEL DESTINO) Al uw dreigen (La minacci) (w. Kapper) 352p. 2-99020
31- LUCIA VAN LAMMERMOOR: (LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR) Ontwaak, ja! (O sole piu) (w. Kapper) 353p. 2-99021
32. RICO. Neen jij zult nooit (Non tu ne sauras) 13958-0. 1-95083
33. VERCOLIER-.Wiegelied (Berceuse aux etoiles) 13959-0. 1-95082
34. DANIDERFF. T'is zo goed ! (Berceuse tendre) 13960-0. 1-95084
35. POPPY. Paryser marsch! (Marche de Paris) 13961-0. 1-95096
36. XXX Lentelied. (Chanson' du Printemps) 13962-0. 1-95101
37. CHAUDOIR. Liefdesverlangen- (Désirs d'amour) 13973-0. 1-95097
38 FRAGSON. Het laatste lied (La derniere chanson) 13974-0. 1-95098
39. DANIDERFF. In 1793! (En 1793) 13975-0. 1-95104
40. RIGOLETTO: Dat een schone! (Questa o quello) 13999-0. 1-95085
41. LATRAVIATA: Een dronk! (Libiam nei lieti) 14000-0. 1-95086
42 CAVALLERIA: Zoete wijn bedwelmt (Viva d vino) 14001-0. 1-95087
43. BUTTERFLY. 'T is ware liefde (Amore o grillo) 14002-0. 1-95088
44. CARMEN: De bloem die gij (La fleur quc tu) 14003-0. 1-95089
45. FRIEDMANN, In het land der dromen (Pays des rêves) 14310-0. 1-95110
46. MERCIER. Liefdadigheid. (La charite) 14311-0. 1-95111
47. CREMIEU. De bloemen die wij minnen (Les fleurs que nous aimons) 14312-0. 1-95112
48. MIGNON: Vanrwel Mignon! (Adieu Mignon) 14313-0. 1-95113
49. JACOBS. Liefde alleen! (Rien que l'amour) 14327-0. 1-95109
50. DICKSON. Oublions le passe? (in French) 14328-0. 1-95123
51. LEONCAVALLO. Mattinata (in French) 14334-0. 1-95129
52. MANON: Droomlied! (En fermani les yeux) 14335-0. 1-95124
53. BERNTAUX. De schone Myrella (La belle Myrella) 14336-0. 1-95127
54. KAAT MOSSEL. Een ster rijst (w. Kapper) 114617-0. 1-99027
55. RIGOLETTO; Dat een schone. (Questo o quella) 36272 D-6313
56. BOREL-CLERC. Pour l'amour de Carmen, (in French) 36273 D-6311
57. HELMER- Le rêve passe! (in French) 36274 D-6311
58. DE TROUBADOUR : (IL TROVATORE) O dood der schande' (Di quella pira) 36275 D-6312
59. CAVALLERIA: Zoele wijn bedwelmd (Viva el vino)36276 D-6313
60- LA TRAVIATA: Een dronk! (Libiam nei lieti) 36277 D-6312
61. LA TOSCA: De sterren straalden (E lucevan le stelle) 75590 D-17046
62. DE TROUBADOUR: (IL TROVATORE) O! Laat geen bange vrees (O si ben mio) 75591 D-17045
63. DE TROUBADOUR: (IL TROVATORE) 'T ogenblik is thans (Perigliarti ancor) 75592 D-17045
64. FAUST: Sta me toe eenmaal (Laissé-moi) 75593 &-17047
65. CAVALLERIA: O Lola, schone bloem! (Sicilienne) 75594 D-17046
66. FAUST: Gegroet verblijf! (Salut demeure) 75595 D-17047
67. LA FAVORITE: Engel zo rein! (Spirto gentil) 75596 D-17067
PATHE RECORDS (1913-1914)
68. DE HUGENOTEN. (LES HUGUENOTS) Rein als de sneeuw! (Plus blanche) N-30988 X-30144
69. CARMEN : De bloem die gij (La fleur que tu) N-30989 X-30143
70. LA TOSCA : De sterren straalden (E lucevan le stelle) N-30990 X-30145
71. LA TRAVIATA: Een dronk' (Libiam nei lieti) N-30991 X-30143
72. RIGOLETTO: Dat een schone! (Questa o quella) N-30992 X-30145
73. PALJAS: (PAGLICCI) Thans te spelen! (Vesti la giubba) N-30993 X-30144
74. HERODIADE: Heer de drang van! (Ne pouvant reprimer) 54-an. H-62026
75. MANON : Je suis seul, seul enfin! (in French) 55-an. H-62027
76. LA TOSCA: Een zoete harmonie! (Recondita armonia) 153-am. 10340
77. LIONNET. Hymne d'amour! (in French) 154-am. 10342
78. FANCIULLA DEL WEST: Ch'ella mi creda libero (in /I.) 155-am. 10341
79. TOSTI. Idéal! (Ideale) (in French) 156-am. 10343
80. LA TOSCA: De sterren straalden (E lucevan le stelle) 50620
81. MIGNON : Neen, zij geloofde niet (Elle ne croyait) 50621
82. PALJAS: (PAGLIACCI) Thans te spelen. (Vesti la giubba) 50622
83. CAVALLERIA: O Lola schone bloem- (Siciliana) 50623
84. W1LLEM TELL: (GUGLIELMO TELL) Verblijf voor mij! (O muto asil) 50624
85. DE HUGENOTEN: (LES HUGUENOTS) Rein ald de sneeuw (Plus blanche) 50625
86. DE JODIN: (LA JUIVE) God dat mijn loflied (Dieu que ma voix) 50626
87. FANCIULLA DEL WEST: Ch'ella mi creda libero (in Italian) 50527
88. FAUST: Gegroet verblijf door haar. (Salut demeure chaste) 50628
89. AIDA: O, waar ik veldheer (Se quel guerrier) 50629
90. DE STOMME VAN PORTICI: (LA MUETTE DE PORTICI) Veel liever sterven (Plutôt mourir) (w. Van Bosch) 50649
91. DE PARELVISSERS: (LES PECHEURS DE PERLES) Daar ver in d'heilige Tempel (Au fond du Temple Saint) (w. Van Bosch) 2-50650
92. GOUBLIER. Angelus der zee (L'Angelus de la mer) (w. Van Bosch) 50651
93. FAURE. Le Crucifix! (in Dutch) (w. Van Bosch) 50652
94. CARMEN. Ik ben Escamillo (Je suis Escamillo) (w. Van Bosch) 50653
95. LUCIA VAN LAMMERMOOR: (LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR) Edgard, ja ik! (O piu rapido) (w. Van Bosch) 2-50654
96. DE MACHT VAN HET NOODLOT: (FORZA DEL DESTINO) In deze heil'ge stonde (Solenne in quest') (w. Van Bosch) 51027
97. BUTTERFLY: Wel, nu sprak hij de waarheid. (Ed e bella sposa) (w. Van Bosch) 51028
98. FAUST: Heerlijk wonder! (O merveille) (w. Van Bosch) 51029
99. FAUST: Verloren, verloren! (Alerte! Alerte!) (w. Van Bosch and Bouwmeester) 51031
100.RIGOLETTO: Ja, aan U behoord mijn leven. (Belle figlia) (w. Santhagens-Van Bosch and Bouwmeester) 51032
101.LA BOHEME: O Mimi ondanks (O Mimi tu piu) (w. Van Bosch) 51033
102. PALJAS: (PAGLIACCI) Zulke schertsen. (Un tal gioco) 51034
103. HINDERDAEL. PATER NOSTER. (in Dutch) (w. Van Bosch) 51035
104. BIZET. Agnus Dei! (in Dutch) (w. Van Bosch) 51036
105. DE TROUBADOUR: (IL TROVATORE) Miserère! (w. Bouwmeester) (in Dutch) 51037
106. BUTTERFLY: Gij zijt mijn meester. (Io t'ho ghermita) (w. Santhagens) 51038
107. CAVALLERIA: Neen! Neen, Turiddo. (No, no, Turiddo) (w. Santhagens) 51039
108. LA TRAVIATA: O laat ons vluchten (Dei miei bollenti) (w. Bouwmeester) 51040
109. LA TRAVIATA: Een dronk ! (Libiam nei lieti) 51041
110. CARMEN: Mijn moeder zie ik weer (Ma mere je la vois) (w. Bouwmeester) 51042
111. WERTHER: Je ne sais si je veille! (in French) 51043
112. MANON: Je suil seul, seul enfin! (in French) 51044
113. DE JODIN: (LA JUIVE) Rachel als God! (Rachel quand du Seigneur) 51045
114. LA JUIVE: Rachel quand du Seigneur! (in French) 51046
115. ROMEO ET JULIETTE: Ah, lève toi soleil! (in French) 51047
116. LOHENGRIN: Aux bords lointains! (in French) 51048
117. PAILLASSE: (PAGLIACCI) Me grimer, me grimer (Vesti la giubba) in French) 51049
118. LAKME: Fantaisie o divin mensonge! (in French) 51050
119. LAGIOCONDA: Hemel en zee) (Cielo è mar) 51051
120. LA TOSCA: Een zoete harmonie (Recondita armonia)51052
121. LA BOHEME: Uw handen zijn bevroren (Che gelida manina) 51053
122. MIGNON: Vaarwel Mignon! (Adieu Mignon) 51054
123. CAVALLERIA: Zoete wijn bedwelmt (Viva el vino) 51055
124. CAVALLERIA: Vive le vin qui pétille! (in French) 51056
125. FAUST: Gegroet o laatste morgenrood! (Salut o mon dernier matin) 1-51578
126. DE TROUBADOUR: (IL TROVATORE) 'T ogenblik is thans!(Perigliarti ancor) 51579
127. DE KONINGIN VAN SABA: (LA RHINE DE SABA) 0 scherp mijn geest! (Inspirez-moi)
128. HERODIADE: Heer, de drang van! (Ne pouvant reprimer) 51581
129. GOUNOD. Ave Maria! (in Latin) 51582
130. FAUST: Het is laat! (Il se fait lard) (w. Santhagens) 1-51583
131. FAUST: Heerlijk leven! (O nuit d'amour) (w. Santhagens) 1-51584
132. AIDA: Oh, gij mijn vriend! (Gia i sacerdoti) (w. Santhagens) 51585
133. AIDA: En gij voor haar! (Aida me togliesti) (w. Santhagens) 51586
134. MIREILLE; Eng'len van 't Paradijs (Anges du Paradis) 51587
135- WERTHER: Waarom mij doen ontwaken (Pourquoi me réveiller?) 1-51588
136. LA FAVORITE: Een vrouw knielde neer (Una vergine) 51589
137. LA FAVORITE: Engel zo rein! (Spino gentil) 51590
138. CARUSO- Dromen van lang geleên (Dreams of long ago) 51591
139. ADAMS. Jerusalem! (in Dutch) 51592
140. LIEFDESDRANK: (ELISIR D'AMORE) Een verborgen traan (Una furtiva lagrima) 51593
141. WILLEM TELL: (GUGLIELMO TELL) O Mathilde! (Ah! Mathilde) (w. Van Bosch) (in Dutch) 1-51596
142. CAMPAGNA. De zilverwitte maan! (Guarda che bianca luna) (w. Van Bosch) 1-51597
143. CARMEN: De bloem die gij! (La fleur que tu) 5250
144. LA MAREILLE. Ce que c'est qu'un drapeau! (in French) 5251
145. MARTHA:Ach zo lief! (Ach so fromm) 5252
146. VAN DEN EYNDE. Heil! Heil! Mannen van den Yser! (in Dutch) 5254
147. DE TROUBADOUR: (IL TROVATORE) Eenzaam moet ik sterven! (Deserta sulla) 5255
148. DE KERMISKLANTEN: (LES SALTIMBANQUES) Walslied (Valse chantee) 5257
149. DE TROUBADOUR: (IL TROVATORE) O laat geen bange vrees (O si ben mio) 5258
150. DE BEDELSTUDENT: (DER BETTELSTUDENT) Loflied der Polin. (Ode an dir Polin) 5259
151. CAVALLERIA: Moeder, de wijn! (Mamma quel vino) 5260
152. LA BOHEME: Uw handen zijn bevroren! (Che gelida) 5263
153. RIGOLETTO: Dat een schone ' (Questa o quella) 5662
154. RIGOLETTO: Licht als een veer! (La Donna e mobile) 5663
155. VEREMANS. Vlaanderen' (in Dutch) Cc6776 2-0432019 (AU. 15)
156. MARTHA: Ach zo lief! (Ach so fromm!) Bb6777 7-432174 (AT. 12)
157. LA JUIVE: Dieu que ma voix tremblante (in French) Bb6787 7-432171 (AT. l1)
158. LAKME: Fantaisie o divin! (in French) Cc6800 2-032109 (AU. 16)
159. PALJAS: (PAGLIACCI) Thans te spelen (Vesti la giubba) Bb6815 7-432172 (AT. 10)(AT. 12)
160. GI0CONDA: Hemel en zee! (Cielo è mar) Cc6816 2-0432018 (AU. 15)
161. LES HUGUENOTS: Plus blanche que! (in French) Bb6817 7-432170 (AT. 11)
162. GUILLAUME TELL: (GUGLIELMO TELL) Asile héréditaire! (0 muto asil) (in French)
Bb6818 7-432173 (AT. 10)
163. BOHEME: (LEONCAVALLO) Tête adorée! (Tesia adorala) (in French) Bb9916 7-32113 (AT-14)
164. RIGOLETTO: Qu'une belle! (Questa o quello) (in French) Bb9917 7-32H6 (AT. 15)
165. LA TOSCA: O de beautés égales (Recondita) (in French) Bb9918 7-32114 (AT. 14)
166. AIDA: O celeste Aida! (in French) Cc9919 l-032110 (AU.16)
167. CONTES D'HOFFMANN: Schep moed en vertrouwen! (Courage et confiance) Cc9924 2-0432022 (AU. 17)
168. CAVALLERIA: Vive le vin! (Viva el vino) (in French) Bb9925 7-32111 (AT. 13)
169. CRAUWELS. Vergeet mij niet! (in Dutch) Bb9926 7-432179 (AT. 16)
170. LE TROUVERE: (IL TROVATORE) Pourquoi mon seul espoir. (O si ben mio) (in French) Bb9927 7-32115 (AT. 15)
171. VAN DEN EYNDE. Madeliefke 'n bloemke! (in Dutch) Bb99B8 7-432180 (AT. 16)
172. LA JUIVE: O ma fille chérie! (in French) Bb9930 7-32112 (AT. 13)
173. CARMEN: De bloem die gij. (La fleur que) Cc9931 2-0432023 (AU. 17)
174. DE LUSTIGE WEDUWE: (DIE LUSTIGE WITWE) Kom in het kleine paviljoen (in Dutch) Bbl4434 7-432189 (AT. 19)
175. DE KUISCHE SUSANNA: Verdoken in ieder mensenhart! (in Dutch) Bbl4435 7-432190 (AT. 19)
176. GOUBLIER. Que ne peut-on rêver! (in French) Bbl4436 7-432187 (AT. 18)
177. LA FILLE DU FAR-WEST: (LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST) Qu'elle me croit (Ch'ella mi) (in French) Bbl4437 7-432191 (AT. 20)
178. WERTHER : Je ne sais si le veille (in French) Ccl4444 2-0432029 (AU. 22)
179. WERTHER : J'aurais sur ma poitrine (in French) Ccl4445 2-043202K (AU. 22)
180. PALJAS: (PAGLIACCI) Neen, Paljas is niet meer! (No Pagliacci non son) BM4446 7-432186 (AT. 17)
181. BEMBERG. Aime-moi' (in French) Bbl4447 7-432188 (AT. 18)
182. CAVALLERIA: Moeder, de wijn! (Mamma quel vino) Bbl4448 7-432185 (AT. 17)
183. SIGURD: Esprits gardiens! (in French) Bbl4449 7-432192 {AT. 20)
184. FRIML. L'amour, toujours l'amour (in French) BbI8946 30-6093 (F.257)
185. SAINT-SAENS. Aimons-nous! (in French) Bbl8947 30-6096 (F.258)
186. BENAVENTE, Quand le coeur a parlé! (French) Bbl8948 30-6094 (F.257)
187. HERBERT. Zeg liefste! (Song of songs) Bbl8949 30-3086 (AT. 21)
188. FRASQUITA: Schat ik bid u? (Schatz ich bitle) Bbl8950 30-6098 (F. 259)
189. ERWIN. Vier woorden heb ik u te (in Dutch) Bbl8951 30-3088 (AT. 22)
190. DE MOYA. Oh mysterie zoet! (Sweet mystery) (in Dutch) Bbl8952 30-3087 (AT. 21)
191. NEEF.O! Scheldestad! (in Dutch) Bbl8953 30-3089 (AT. 22)
192. NEEF. Ce sont tes grands yeux (in French) BbI8954 30-6095 (F.258)
193. FREDERIKA: O Meisje, mein meisje! (O Mädchen) (in Dutch) Bbl8955 30-6097 (F. 259)
194. PAILLASSE: (PAGLIACCI) Megrimer! Megrimer! (Vesti la giubba) (Unpublished)

the German label HAFG sells this CD
From his operatic debut, on October 1st, 1909. to his final appearance on December 21st, 1933, the list of his operatic roles is as follows:
Halévy, La Juive
Charpentier, Louise
Meyerbeer, Les Huguenots, L'Africaine
Delibes, Lakmé
Giordano, Fedora
Rossini , Guglielmo Tell
Ponchielli, La Gioconda
Leoncavallo, Pagliacci
Bizet, Carmen, Les Pêcheurs de Perles
Mascagni, Cavalleria Rusticana
Verdi, Il Trovatore, Aida, La Forza del Destino, Rigoletto, La Traviata
Massenet, Werther, Herodiade, Manon, Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame
Reyer, Sigurd
Donizetti, La Favorita, L'Elisir d'Amore, Lucia di Lammermoor, La figlia del regimento
Tchaikovsky, Eugen Onegin
Thomas, Mignon
Flotow, Martha
Offenbach, Les Contes d'Hoffmann
Wolf-Ferrari, I Gioielli della Madonna
Nougès, Quo Vadis?
Puccini, La Bohème, La Tosca, Madame Butterfly
Adam, Le Postilion de Longjumeau
Wambach, Quinten Massy
Lortzing, Zar und Zimmermann, Undine
Gounod, Faust, Romeo et Juliette, Mireille
Kienzl, Der Kuhreigen
Weber, Der Freischütz
(Flor Alpaerts), Shylock, Chabert (Oberst Chabert by H.W. von Waltershausen, J.L.)
Olmen, Rina
G. Paisiello, Il Barbiere di Siviglia